1·Countries as diverse as Australia and Switzerland function smoothly enough with an elected upper house.
2·Later I reported to my Guardian Master that the file could not be uploaded and asked him to bless the computer to function smoothly.
3·An infinite range of height increments is available within lift strokes, and units function smoothly regardless of uneven weight distribution.
4·In ensuring road safety, speed, comfort and economy function smoothly using the premise should be to achieve harmonization of road and beautiful.
5·He's purged himself of all qualms and second thoughts so as to function smoothly in the world that Bell, the Goldwaterian granddad, has grown unfit for.
6·These targets ensure not only stable economic conditions but also a DE GREe of convergence between participating member states which allows EMU to function smoothly.
7·The more liquid a market, after all, the more smoothly it should function.
8·The treaty is supposed to make the EU function more smoothly, she claims.
9·In the well-designed application, one state of the application function will move smoothly and quickly to the state of another function.
10·They'll pay less and the data network will function more smoothly.